Support Joey’s marathon

Insulin for Life is a charity that does a lot of work in getting life-saving insulin to people in low and midd-income countries. They’re behind the regular Spare A Rose campaigns for example. One of the doctors associated with the Insulin For Life charity is Joey Kaye. This Saturday (August 27th) Joey is running the Adelaide Marathon and is using it as an opportunity to raise funds for IFL.

Joey wrote:

As a diabetes specialist doctor I know there are many daily challenges for people living with diabetes. The obstacles for many poor people with diabetes overseas are enormous, with 1 in 2 people not being able to access insulin. Insulin For Life (IFL) provides essential diabetes care supplies to clinics supporting disadvantaged people and after disasters. AUD$5 will provide a poor child or adult with insulin, syringes and blood glucose testing supplies for a week. I’m running the Adelaide marathon on August 27th, 2023, to help IFL help ease and save lives. My goal is $5000. Please sponsor me via the ‘Run Dr Joey Run’ buttons here. [David: it’s the second DONATE button]

All Donations (via Pay Pal or credit card) are tax deductible for Australians

How to help

Head over to this link, and you’ll see the second “DONATE” button has a “Donate to the Run Dr Joey Run appeal” label.

It’s a cause I support and relevant to diabetes, which is why I’m happy to promote it here today!

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